Only a month late! Not bad! Anyway, this year as I decorated (and un-decorated) the tree, I thought back over all the memories each decoration brings with it. Our tree isn't all beautiful and's full of treasures found and bought with love or crafts the kids have made through many many years. So, I am going to highlight them below, and maybe give you ideas along the way!
This one I found a few years ago in FL. It's a nail, all bent to make a heart. And it has the story of Jesus' crucifixion and love for us. Of course, now the decoration is put away, or I'd type the story in for you.
Statue of Liberty decorated for Christmas. Of course, we bought her on a trip to the Statue of Liberty, so it reminds me of taking my kids there.
One of my first Christmases living in Las Vegas, away from my family, a friend set up this whole big Christmas Craft day. This was one of those crafts. We painted the little flowerpot red and then sponged on Santa's hair and beard. She also introduced me to Shotgun Santas. Really, I had never heard of such a thing! There is puff paint on this Santa's really 3-D. He's really a cute little guy! That year we also stenciled our own Christmas stockings and added fabric to the cuffs. We still use those stockings. My friend has since moved away, but I will always be thankful to her for taking me under her wing and making that Christmas a happy one.
Seems to me Elias made this one. A quick, simple Christmas Fun Foam craft. But he was probably 6 or 7 when he did it.
Ahh, my Bri-bri made this one when he was younger. I think this was one of the craft days when he was a teenager and didn't really want to do crafts, but everyone else was. Painted popsicle sticks with "gems" and glitter pipe cleaner glued on.
I think my neighbor made this for me. See what happens when it takes a month to post things? I forget!
This is our little nativity set that always accompanies our Christmas Tree. We have 2 different ones, and this one is less breakable. Sebastian got into it this year....see the yellow matchbox car in the back of it?! Wasn't that in the story, the cows were all lowing and the car engine was revving?
I think Brian's aunt got him this. Or maybe my mom. Anyway, it's going to end up going to Brian when he gets his first tree.
This was one of the first ornaments I've bought for my family. I HATE spending $13 on a decoration! But, this was my first baby's first christmas!
Brian made this in Cub Scouts one year. It's a piece of green construction paper with spray-painted jigsaw puzzle pieces glued on. Add a fancy bow and voila! Handmade Christmas Ornament!
My mommy knows I love handmade crafty things, so she gave this one to me. She made it at a local craft day her church had.
Another Brian-craft. For years we've had a Christmas Craft gathering, mostly the same people. This year we didn't as some of the other family's kids are getting too old. Waaaahhh, mine aren't! Anyway, this is a beautiful dove that one of the mom's came up with, and Brian made.
Here's the ornament I bought for Elias' first Christmas.
Here's the ornament I bought for Sebastian's first Christmas. I plan on giving all the boys their first ornaments, as their "first" ornaments when they move out and have their own "firsts".
Our neighborhood exchanges small gifts at Christmas time, and this was from one year. It's all personalized with our names!
So, there's the best of them! There are tons more to show,but these sum it up very well. Special times and crafts make our Christmas Tree a living memory-book