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Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

Our plans for the day changed about 20 times, due to weather and illnesses (not us, thankfully!) But when all was said and done, we had a very Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve Day was much anticipated by Elias. We baked cookies for the neighbors all day, then took them around in the late afternoon. Then we went to our friend Angela's church for candelight service. Then we came home and did a rush job on the Gingerbread House. Elias wanted to make our Gingerbread House that evening, so it would be fresh for Santa. Last year, Santa ate our entire Gingerbread House for a snack! What a crazy Santa! He did it again this year too!

We also had to make notes to leave for Santa and Mrs. Claus. Elias also left carrots and a bowl of water for the reindeer.

Then off to bed for a very restless night for a very excited 7 year old. He was up and down and finally ended up in our room. By 7am, when we looked over at him, he was laying there awake, just waiting for us to wake up! Crazy boy! So, we woke the big boys up and slowly made our way downstairs!

Here's Forrest. He didn't want any presents, just money. Well, he's smiling about it, so that's good! We are pretty strict about staying to a certain budget for each child, if they want something more expensive they need to save up for it, and ask for money! Brian did the same thing for his birthday and Christmas...he had very little to open this year as he saved and bought a very nice SLR digital camera. Yes, he's also very happy!

Here's Sebastian finding his new Puppet Theater, I figure this will come into good use in our house...lots of kids!

And Chris...with his new Ironman hat on, holding up his surprise present...The Gillygufang. He has such fond memories of this book. He was the first one to check it out of the library when he was little and remembers reading it over and over. I figure it will be a nice tradition for him to read it to his sons. He was all smiles opening it!

Here's me helping Sebastian open his presents.



Elias took this picture of us. It's a tad blurry, but not bad! Chris truly surprised me this year. He's kind of hit or year getting me socks, one year buying me the exact Glider I wanted for nursing our newborn...This year was a hit! He had bought me an external hard drive that I had asked I figured that would be pretty much it. But he kept telling me he had gotten me something else, and it was GOOD. Well, it was! It was good, because it was a good gift, but it was also good because he put time and effort into it. He got me a 2 hr massage! He researched places, AND he bought it way ahead of time. VERY impressive! Thanks honey.

Later in the day, Chris had to go to work, so we mostly relaxed and played with new toys. Elias got the "Guess What I Am? " game. It was very cute, and from an educational standpoint....has critical thinking skills involved, very cool! Here's Elias with his "face"

Brian played with us...can't ever get a serous picture from the kid

Later on in the afternoon we went to a friend's house to exchange presents and eat dinner. She makes the yummiest turkey and's to die for! Here's Sebastian getting a "cell phone" from her. He loves buttons that make noise!

After a good meal, and a good night sleep, we got up this morning to play with our new toys some more! Sebastian LOVES his new bowling set! It's plastic "milk jugs" and the ball is a cows head that MOOOOSSSS as it is thrown. He just thinks it's so cool!

Hope you all had a blessed few days also!

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